Y'day durin our small group, we were asked to share abt how we became christians, or for those 2nd (,,,,,,or 3rd or 4th watever) gen christians like myself, we r to share that "magical" moment where we encountered God. it was kinda challenging for me. Sharings like these has always (let me emphasize that again ALWAYS) given me an uneasy feeling. To share this moment of mine, bares me to the world.
But, due to a deep prompting in my heart, i was nonetheless aspired to share. I keep on talking non-stop for more than 10 mins, revealing all the pain and shame i went through in the fateful 3 or 4 months of my life; humanly speaking these were the worst part of my entire life, but i knew (n so did my parents) that these 3 months are the foundations or the molding period of my walk as a servant of the most high KING!! A period where God faught for me n came out victoriously...
this incident has made me so sure of my calling that there will never NEVER be a turning point from this wonderful life that God has given meh!!!
although i will not share it here, let me give u a tint of the feeling i get wenever i share this incident with others. It's like i get weaker and stronger at the same. My heart beat starts pounding faster and faster, and i tend to speak faster and slower at the same time. I know u will not understand most of what i am writing. It something like LOVE, u jus feel weaker and srtonger at the same time... well hope u enjoyed having a sneak peak into my mind, heart, soul... watever!!!