At times, we are full of passion but lazy. Yet, at other times, we are hyper and full of energy yet the passion wears out. This is the perfect example of many lives including mine. Small areas like meditiating on the Word of God, sounds and seems so simple, but required alot more than just a desire. It requires discipline too. Everyone can do their everyday bible reading, yet meditating on it is a different case. When we do our bible reading, we could just skim through. But meditating requires a well relaxed, composed and alert mind, ready to hear from God.
Yesterday, I finally managed to do my meditation. I do my bible-readings everyday, But I find it really difficult to really meditate on it, cos it requires a quiet mind, which is really difficult for a noisy girl like me. It's amazing how God reveals to you when you take a minute for Him.
Some of the areas I realized I should improve, through y'day's meditation.
One, Praying consistently for fellow christians and friends and family. (Romans 1;9, shows how Paul never ceased to pray for his disciples, those whom he converted) He is the perfect example of a Model Pastor. Do I have the passion and the Power to do as Paul did? Day and Night praying for sould that has been saved.
Second, "serve with all my heart"
Do I really have the desire to serve God with all my Heart? Or is it jus a path I think I ought to follow? Help me, Lord, strengthen me so that I will serve you with ALL my Heart, Mind and Strength.