Well... at small group today... Pastor Dennis continued with the Topic of DATING and there about went to MARRIAGE as well.... pretty interesting... never knew that such a topic would bring so much excitement!!! LOL...
Nwas i jus juxtapose all the things that stood out okie??? cant write in exact sequence ya... lol!!!
Pastor D: "What come to your mind when you think of Dating? please dont think Christian ok?"
Ella: In Nagaland there are less non-Christian so?? i cant think in non-christian way (ding....) .. but dating is like getting to know someone more and just spending time..
Me: Dating is like enjoying the other person and getting to know more about him.
Samuel: dating... i believe shud b male and female... i don like male-male or...
Pastor D: Ya God made Adam and Eve not Adam and STEVE... (everyone burst out laughin)
"its about seeing whether u r compatible" "goin out for movies or dinner"
DATING in Christian sense????
"More boundaries and more cautious" "values system" "Church comes to mind - like cell group" "accountability"
PURPOSE of Dating???
"Eventually lead to marriage" "compatibility" "get to know his/her family"
One thing that struck me was what Pastor Anita said, "marriage is not about completeness.. it's about two whole individual coming together, and still being whole even after they are together" (it's jus awesome!!!)
"i always pictured marriage as a triangle - God, me and my husband." (cool ryt??) "Marriage??? Finding someone who has the qualities that i don't,, like example, i m bad in finance so someone who can handle money" (Guess who said this??? hahha... we suggested to him to advertize for an accountant.. lol)
"In the world dating is all about getting what you can from the other person... satisfy your needs..." " ya in the world sense, the guy is like can i get sex out of this relationship" "but if you love someone, the expressions of your love should not bring you guilt"
This talk led to TRUE LOVE WAITS.. its like a movement where u abstian from sex before marriage... and safe your VIRGINITY for your husband/wife. cos otherwise the real essence of marriage that God created would be spoilt!!!
Then there was this issue of Flee-ing from Temptation, resolving in your heart, pursing a goal of righteousness, love, peace etc.. and ACCOUNTABILITY!!!
ya accountability like havina senior person be your mentor of your relationship etc... helpin u in the path.. etc.. kinda cool...
Man my small group is like the coolest group in the whole wide world!!!!
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