I happened to pick up a magazine, a few moments ago, and flipping through the pages, an ariticle by a Famous Russian Cellist "Dmitry Eremin" caught my attention. He is a Christian, Hurray for that!!! A particular sentence confirmed what had been coming on to me quite strongly these days... "if i had chosen the instrument I wanted to do would I be able to stand here?"
Well... let me give you the context of this amazing sentence...
He is a very well renowned cellist, born in a fmily of Musicians.. His grandfather (a famous bassoon player) rubbed shoulder with famous perssonnels like Mravinsky, Stravinsky and shostakovich.. (if you aren't into classical music,.. pardon me...) BUT initially.. he did not quite fancy playing the cello... Piano was the instrument he liked... and given a choice he would have choosen to be a pianist... but he goes on to say that... "you may have the same experience in your own life. Although you like doing this but MUST do another. God knows our future. He knows if we go this way what will happen."
Then at prayer meeting, dad was sharing about an article He read... Its about a bird called "ALbatross" As he read out, I began to realize that if we rely on our own strength we don't to realize our full potential.. it is only when we spread our wings and leave it to God that we soar the highest... Let me jus qoute some lines from this article...
"It does not rely upon the flapping of its wings. but entrusts itself the wind and the sky.... thus flies the highest and fastest" "it does not fly on the strength of flapping its wings.. BUT with the WISDOM...." "A hummingbird flaps 60 times a second. but lives 4 years at the most.. Flying higher and further withour flapping wings.. AN Albatross lives up to 40 years.."
Help me (and us) to rely entirely on you, Dear God.... :)
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