Wednesday, January 21, 2009


Seems like teaching is also one of my many passion.. filling in for dad and amongbi is so interesting.. like the feeling that i get while interacting with the students (of which most are way older than me, cos it is a seminary) or while expaining.. or that joy that you feel when they tell you.. ,"thats why we like you.." I tell you.. everyone of you should try teaching!!! Also my knowledge abuot the subject also grows, cos now all that i have learnt from my teachers are now put to practice and furthermore, i m doing further research, so that more beneficial!!! hah!!

Saturday!!! This coming saturday is also goin to be an exciting day...
LIke our church (the traditional one...) has this junior choir.. where the members are small and cute.. so this saturday i was asked to give them a seminar on music (theory and vocal..) so i m now brainstorming how to teach them...
Its quite interesting cos teaching them will be diffirent from teaching adults.. so i m planing to put in games and lots of activities, in between the lectures... LOL... hope they will be enlighten wit what i teach them...

Sunday, January 18, 2009


Dad and one of his teachers has gone for two weeks to attend a conference in Malaysia.. well this leaves me with a BIG headache and a challenge... (LOve the latter but hate the former..) well.. since i will be here in nagaland for the two weeks that they are gone.. both of them entrusted me with their classes... so starting from tuesday i will be taking bible and music classes as well.. it will indeed be a challenging experience (for the bible.. cos music is quite manageable... but this is the first time i m going to be teaching bible subjects!!!) and so happens that my dad's classes are the modules that i have taken in TCA.. What a blessing!!! So in a way.. i will be deepening my learning by reasearching more, studying more.. (Cos thats what you do when u teach ryt??)... THOSE who are reading this.. PRAY FOR ME!!!!
But amidst all these challenges, the greatest joy that i will get is taking over the choir (since the teacher incharge is going with dad!!) i know its crazy but I LOVE conducting the choir.. Its not only teaching them a new choir piece.. but getting to grill them to a greater heights and then seeing them improve tremendously.. and also the respect that the choir members lavish upon the conductor!! LOL... And then when you see them perform, you can proudly say thats my choir!! Or sometimes (when they do badly) just be nervously sitting, or (barely sitting) and hoping that they will stop making mistakes!!! LOL...
BTW to all my FRENS in SINGAPORE.. I MISS you guys!!!! LOVE you.. and See you soon!!