Wednesday, May 21, 2008

my testimony... or so...

Y'day durin our small group, we were asked to share abt how we became christians, or for those 2nd (,,,,,,or 3rd or 4th watever) gen christians like myself, we r to share that "magical" moment where we encountered God. it was kinda challenging for me. Sharings like these has always (let me emphasize that again ALWAYS) given me an uneasy feeling. To share this moment of mine, bares me to the world.

But, due to a deep prompting in my heart, i was nonetheless aspired to share. I keep on talking non-stop for more than 10 mins, revealing all the pain and shame i went through in the fateful 3 or 4 months of my life; humanly speaking these were the worst part of my entire life, but i knew (n so did my parents) that these 3 months are the foundations or the molding period of my walk as a servant of the most high KING!! A period where God faught for me n came out victoriously...

this incident has made me so sure of my calling that there will never NEVER be a turning point from this wonderful life that God has given meh!!!

although i will not share it here, let me give u a tint of the feeling i get wenever i share this incident with others. It's like i get weaker and stronger at the same. My heart beat starts pounding faster and faster, and i tend to speak faster and slower at the same time. I know u will not understand most of what i am writing. It something like LOVE, u jus feel weaker and srtonger at the same time... well hope u enjoyed having a sneak peak into my mind, heart, soul... watever!!!

Thursday, May 15, 2008


Last nyt, as I lay peacefully, it never occured 2 me that I could have been burnt to death. once again, I've realized how hopeless i am. I am not even capable of being alive.
Thank God for His timely Help!! One of my housemates happened to come home late, "just in time" to yell!! Well, 5 mins earlier, my "somewhat" sensitive nose picked up some kinda wierd smell of wires burnin. I tod it might be one of my cables,,(like my fan, phone adapter or wat nots) but it never occured to me that the our house nearly got "burnt"

Here's A poem I wrote in the Midst of that:
5 more minutes and I'l be dead.
Oh! the love of God that continues to shield me from calamities.
1 little fire showed me the path back to God.
2 secs envield my incapability to even remain alive.
Thank you time and again, for always being there for me!!

Monday, May 12, 2008

Lovin God our Father

hope u guys can read this haha... it's was written when i was high on my creativity. I jus cun't imagine the way God work.(both in my life and in my fens life) Its like I keep worryin but nothing is accomplished even wit all the stress that i intake(LOL) but God has in many ways shown me that things cud b so much easier, if only i lay it ALL into His strong and Loving hands. i can't help but to comment about nicky, all she asked God was for a Laptop, (and let me tell u this, her level of anxiety even outpours and affects me too... haha.. she's gone kill me) well then suddenly out of nower someone blesses her wit a desk top and yet ON THE SAME day another sister blessed her with a MacBook.. amazing... God is great man!! it like u ask for a glass of water and end up in a Banquet!!! haha.... praise the Lord!!! I love you Jesus!!!

Monday, May 5, 2008

Pic talk

getting all creative,,, out of boredom.... yeah i know what u're thinking...( so vaun.. ryt??)

went for a walk the other day and saw this funny "notice" put up on a few trees. i find it hilarious cos it's not their garden, uno...

Sunday, May 4, 2008


Feeling so sickish,,, n the worst part is not the sickness but the frustration over not getting any work done!! actually felt quite unwell since friday... like this sat wen i pooed blood came out along with the poo, but i din give much heed to it, then this morning woke up with headache, sore-ish throat and my concentration level is really down,,, aaah..... God help me!!!
anyways, apart from that, I feel like God is leading me yet to another level in my walk with HIm. could really sense His presence in the Worship y'day, all the songs kept reminding me of my weakness n of His leading in my life. WEll, during the service i had this urge to write down the thoughts comin to my head,,, tried to stop that urge but cunt help it! here's a peek of what i wrote,, i show it to Shalyn and Ruth,,(ruth commented that i must be a deep thinker, which is sort of "true")
Without my Knowledge, you've Plan my life perfectly!
IN the midst where people are bound; doing things they Don't
Choices are at Hand for Me.
The future, Past and Present has no hold on your soveriegnty.
It is no accident that i am doing what I'm doing and will be
doing what is to be done!