Monday, February 15, 2010

Amritsar.... !!!

Amritsrar is a lovely place... people are friendly, unlike other indian states like kolkata and delhi where people can b rude... i think punjabis are nicer aye?? nwas had a blast yesterday shopping wit Amongbi... hehe... the two shopaholics.... :)

nwas pretty jittery about today's performance... pray for us... ;)
btw my handsome brother Albert came all the way from delhi just to be with us... hehe... so m sooo happy.... (uno its 6 hours journey to amritsar from delhi... and oh its 3 days journey by train from nagaland.. thats how big India is... hehehe... abit og geography huh?? hehe )

love u all.. now i will get back to enjoying my breakfast... ;)

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Cough, flu, sore-throat...

I've been having this terrible cough, blocked-nose, sore-throat since last wednesday or thrusday... its almost been a week , considering today is tuesday... Nwas it's quite painful, these coughs... like when i start coughing, my tummy atomatically starts aching, feels as if i'm doing some belly-exercise.... nwas the sore-throat thingy is much better... like a few days back... my voice was super husky... and sometimes when i speak, my voice suddenly becomes inaudible... like.. a funny cartoony sound... the headache disappeared not soon after i ate those pills... maybe sunday or something...

nwas contonue praying for me...
My choir has a 30mins performance at amritsar.. its in Punjab, quite far from Nagaland...
n its quite an honor cos its a national event, and considering how big is... its quite a big thingy...

okies bye for now... pray for me... :)