Thursday, May 15, 2008


Last nyt, as I lay peacefully, it never occured 2 me that I could have been burnt to death. once again, I've realized how hopeless i am. I am not even capable of being alive.
Thank God for His timely Help!! One of my housemates happened to come home late, "just in time" to yell!! Well, 5 mins earlier, my "somewhat" sensitive nose picked up some kinda wierd smell of wires burnin. I tod it might be one of my cables,,(like my fan, phone adapter or wat nots) but it never occured to me that the our house nearly got "burnt"

Here's A poem I wrote in the Midst of that:
5 more minutes and I'l be dead.
Oh! the love of God that continues to shield me from calamities.
1 little fire showed me the path back to God.
2 secs envield my incapability to even remain alive.
Thank you time and again, for always being there for me!!

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