Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Big Picture

As the talk about purpose and journey continues, most of us begin to discover similar themes running through our lives. None of us know what is lurking in the next corner as we take a step forward in life. The presence of uncertainty can make anyone anxious and for some it can even be a source of disappointment. But for me, it adds flavour to this journey. Life would be so boring, if we knew what's going to happen in the next 5 years, or 10 years. No surprise, no cherishing every minute (since you'd already know what's going to happen anyway ya?), and no tears.

No tears...Well, let's face the facts. No one wants to cry. No one wants to be sad. No one wants to have his/her heart broken. No one wants to be betrayed. No one wants to be.. no one.. but it's those difficult times that shape our character and makes us stronger for the next challenge that we've to conquer. Because whether we like it or not, life brings you both roses and thorns. And without hard times, you will never be strong enough to tackle the tough thorns coming your way.

Also, the element of trusting God will be gone... because you already know what is going to happen, the need for higher power to help you and guide you will be diminished. Of course, even if we knew what's going to happen, the entire details, we would still need God; But the difference is that we would withdraw our focus from HIM and try to tackle the problems on our own. Which in my case, always proves to be futile, cos i always end up tackling a problem in the wrong manner. oh well, in a way these mistakes shaped me too, cos it taught me a lesson and taught me how 'not' to do.

Mistakes... talking about mistakes.. I've so many mistakes that i've committed. Some out of ignorance. Some out of my own will. Some due to my weakness. Wrong choices. Wrong actions. Wrong everything. And many times, I wish I had a time machine so that i can turn back time. I regret things i did, regret meeting some people, regret being vulnerable. But, this is life. There are no time machines. NO ONE can turn back time. So there is no point dwelling in misery and wasting time over past actions. What we should do instead is to take ownership of the wrong we've done and move on. Move on by admitting it was entirely our fault, and by making a resolution to never commit the same mistake twice. Believe it or not, Mistakes shape us more than we think, or give credit to.

Lastly, my thoughts just dwells on the power of love. Yes, you might have been hurt. But never shut down your heart. Love is the most powerful gift....

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