Friday, December 30, 2011

How do you define failure? or success?

Failures. Success. Happiness. How do you define them? what will be the ultimate measurement of a person's magnitude of success, failure or happiness? Acquisition of wealth, attaining a social status even greater than the president of US, becoming even more famous than the likes of Taylor Swift, Lady Gaga, Oprah? Is that how we measure ourselves or are being measured upon? I would like to think so. However, I've seen people who are filthy rich (that they use money as toilet paper) and still are not happy, or satisfied, or still deem themselves as failure. Also, there are people who have achieved so much but are still lost. In my own opinion, the contentment comes from within the person. If someone who desperately wants to be rich (just richness, not fame, not status), and is given the stamp-card of being known by everyone, a celebrity status, he would be happy for a while, but not satisfied. Only the acquisition of wealth can make him happy. Likewise, if a person is longing for another person to share his life with, to never be lonely ever again, no amount of wealth will fill the void in his heart. Only we know what we want, and what can fill the void within us. It's all within us. Only we have the ability to make ourselves happy. Only we can rightly measure and say we are successful. Only we can deem ourselves as a failure.

So this new year, I would like to remind myself that only I have the ability to make myself happy, successful and contented. The external forces doesn't count. It all from within.

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